What is a Capuchin Poor Clare? She is a woman that has centered her life around the contemplation and praise of God.  

She is a woman that chooses to live in silence and solitude, adhering faithfully to the spirit of Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi.  She is a woman that unites herself to the crucified Christ through love and the forgetfulness of her own self-interests.

She is a simple woman, spontaneous in the communal relationships with her sisters in religious life.

She is a woman that embraces poverty and austerity, open to the reality of the Church and the needs of humanity. The Capuchin Poor Clares are a religious Order founded by Saint Francis and Saint Clare of Assisi in the thirteenth century.

We live in community, embracing joyfully a life of poverty and fraternity. We are contemplative sisters whose lives revolve around prayer, manual work, study and silence, all for the greater glory of God. Following the example of Christ, who lived a hidden life in Nazareth with Mary his Mother, we live a cloistered life. This enclosure is a visible sign of our total consecration to God. If you think that God might be calling you to be a Capuchin Poor Clare, see our page for vocations.