Call to be a Capuchin Poor Clare Sister?
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Answering the Call: Join the Capuchin Poor Clare Sisters
The Legacy of Saint Clare
Saint Clare of Assisi, a contemporary and close friend of Saint Francis, left an indelible mark on the world with her commitment to poverty, prayer, and radical love for God. Her life serves as a timeless inspiration for the Capuchin Poor Clare Sisters and all those who seek to follow in her footsteps. Saint Clare once wrote, “We become what we love, and who we love shapes what we become.” These profound words encapsulate the essence of the Capuchin Poor Clare vocation, where the love of God becomes the guiding force of life.
Life as a Capuchin Poor Clare Sister
1. A Life of Prayer and Contemplation: The heart of the Capuchin Poor Clare Sisters’ vocation is a life devoted to prayer and contemplation. As a member of this community, your daily routine will revolve around prayer, meditation, and Eucharistic adoration. In this sacred environment, you will deepen your relationship with God and find solace in His presence.
2. Embracing Poverty: Like Saint Clare, Capuchin Poor Clare Sisters embrace a life of poverty. This means living simply, sharing everything in common, and owning no personal possessions. This profound act of renunciation allows Sisters to focus on spiritual growth and serving others rather than material pursuits.
In a world that often prioritizes material gain and individual pursuits, the Capuchin Poor Clare Sisters offer an alternative, a way to follow in the footsteps of Christ as Saint Clare did and find true meaning in a life dedicated to prayer, poverty, and service to the Church with our daily prayers. If you’re hearing the call to join our community and experience the transformative power of God’s love, we invite you to explore this vocation further. Embrace the legacy of Saint Clare, become a Capuchin Poor Clare Sister, and embark on a journey of profound spiritual growth and service to the Church that will leave an indelible mark on your life and the world.