Our Mission
Who we are
We are the Capuchin Poor Clare Sisters who are dedicated to a contemplative life in the church. Our Order professes the Rule of St. Clare which is to live the holy Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ by practicing obedience, poverty, and chastity.
What we do
We focus on following the footsteps of our Lord Jesus Christ in our daily lives in poverty, obedience, chastity, prayer and fraternal life.
How we do it
In our daily lives we seek to lived after the spirit and teaching of St. Clare and according to the ideals of the Capuchin reform.

Characteristics of the Capuchin reform: a life of absolute poverty without any dowry or possessions, austerity in that life, being secluded from the world by a strict cloister, simplicity in fraternal life but an intense life of prayer both during the day and night.

Our Life and Mission in the Church
We become partners of the mystery of the Church. “United to the Church we are as a banner, a beacon of light for those in the Church and for those outside of her who seek salvation.” We participate in the Church’s virginal and spiritual fertility. To enrich her with the fruits of sanctity as St. Clare indicated in her third letter to St. Agnes, “I consider you a collaborator of the same God and a support for the wavering members of her body.” We take part in her life, sanctity and salvific mission: We make ours the needs of the Church both universal and local, above all through the personal and communal prayer of divine praise through the recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours and the active participation in the Eucharist.

Being called to be a very clear sign of the Church, we profess adherence and reverence to the Roman Pontiff, active obedience to all the bishops and honor to all priests because they administer to us spirit and life.

“Let the sisters to whom the Lord has given the grace of working work faithfully and devotedly after the Hour of Terce at work that pertains to a virtuous life ads the common good. Let them do this in such a way that, while they banish idleness, the enemy of the soul, they do not extinguish the Spirit of holy prayer and devotion to which all other things of our earthly existence must contribute.”
Rule of Saint Clare

Our lives are dedicated to praise and worship the Lord
“May you go forward tranquilly, joyfully, briskly, and cautiously along the path of happiness,”
May the God of peace himself sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be kept sound and blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. He who calls you is faithful, and he will do it. 1Tes 5,23