Saint Clare of Assisi
Saint Clare of Assisi is the foundress of the Poor Clare sisters. She was an extraordinary woman who live in the XIII century.

The Holy Father Alexander IV inscribed Saint Clare in the catalogue of the saints. In his Bull of canonization he wrote:”Clare shines brilliantly because of her outstanding merits. She is also outstanding because of her glory in heaven and the sublime miracles on earth. !Oh Clare, endowed with so many titles: bright even before your conversion, bight in your manner of living, even brighter in your enclosed life and brilliant in splendor after the course of your mortal life.” She was canonized in 1255, only two years after her dead.

“Clare shines brilliantly because of her outstanding merits. She is also outstanding because of her glory in heaven and the sublime miracles on earth. !
Saint Clare, was very well known by the Popes of her time. They admired her for her radical way to embrace and live the gospel life. Following the example of Saint Francis she give up a life of comfort and luxury as a noble woman and embrace a life of poverty, obedience and chastity because of her love for God and to follow the way of life of the Son of God, Jesus Christ. She has a special love for poverty, because Jesus and her mother Mary were poor in this world. For this reason, special to her, were the words of Jesus: “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. She established her community of Poor Ladies at San Damiano, in Assisi.
Many women admired Saint Clare, and very soon they followed her example; leaving all the things behind they also embraced this new way f of poverty. The first who followed this evangelical way of life was her sister Agnes. Also her friend Pacifica, and other girls, soon the monastery counted 50 sisters and new communities in Italy and in other countries were established.

San Damiano was the first monastery where Saint Clare and her sisters dwelt. It was rebuilt by Saint Francis, a little bit after his conversion. She lived in cloister, in this place, for about 42 years. While he was rebuilding the church of San Damiano, he prophesied about Saint Clare and her sisters, saying to some poor people who were around: “come and help me to built the monastery, because the day will come when it will be a dwelling of great ladies that by their manner of living will glorify the Holy and Most High through all his Church.” After her death, there were 111 monasteries founded at the same model of San Damiano.
Venerable Lorenza Longo

The noble Lady Lorenza Longo was born in Catalonia Spain in 1463. She was married to a noble man, John Long, who was chancellor of the counsel of King Fernando of Aragon. In a visit of the king to Naples, in 1506, she and her husband were among his companions.
During a party she was poisoned by a resentful servant. She did not die but as a consequence she was paralyzed. After the death of her husband she established herself in Naples.
In 1510 she was miraculously healed during a visit to the sanctuary of Loreto. During the reading of the Gospel of the crippled man, she felt a healing power that came to her, making her completely cured. In addition to the healing of body, the Lord restored the health of her spirit. After this she dedicated herself to served the Lord.
Lady Lorenza together with other noble women of Naples dedicated themselves to works of Charity, seeing Christ in the poor and the sick. She was part of several associations of Prayer and sacred Scripture study. She put her faith into practice in serving Christ in the poor and needy.
To alleviate the sufferings of the sick, Lady Lorenza enlisted the aid of others and built a hospital together with other members of the association of the Divine Love. She was the heart of the association and devoted herself to works of charity giving special aid and care to the sick. This was one of the biggest projects that they did. The hospital was especially for the Poor and uncured people. It was established in 1522. Lady Lorenza begged alms to support it, and also supported it with her own wealth. She was the director of the hospital for many years. She lived there and served the sick with her own hands.
During this time Lady Lorenza entrusted her spiritual life to the guidance of Saint Cajetano. She entrusted to him her desire to found a monastery under the rule of Saint Clare.
In 1530 the Capuchins brothers arrived to Naples. The Venerable Mother Lorenza hosted them in the hospital that she directed. She was very much impressed by the way of life of the Capuchin brothers.
She was already distinguished for her virtue when she embraced The Third Order Of Saint Francis and gathered several Ladies to live in community. On February 19, 1535 she receive a Bull from Pope Paul III which gave canonical approved for the foundation to observe the Rule of Saint Clare. The Venerable Mother together with 18 noble women from Naples started the new Monastery. It was distinguished by its poverty and austerity of life. These Ladies were under the guidance of Mother Lorenza. They wanted to live a life of Contemplation. The Venerable Mother Lorenza instructed the sisters in prayer, self-denial, and mortification.
In 1538 the same Pontiff recognize the new foundation as a monastery of very strict observance of the Order of Saint Clare. The monastery could have an abbess, 12 Choir sisters and 7 converses sisters.
In the Bull of Paulo III, the title of abbess and foundress was given to the venerable Lorenza. She governed the new monastery and directed it to a more faithful observance of the charisma of Saint Francis and Saint Clare.
Many ladies wanted to join the new monastery, so she asked permission to the Pope to go to a bigger place and be able to accept more candidates. The Pope gave her permission to receive more candidates. She could admit 33 sisters.
The name of the first monastery of Capuchin Poor Clares sisters was Santa Maria de Jerusalem of the Order Of Saint Clare. It was also known as the monastery of the 33. The community of Saint Mary of Jerusalem lived the Rule of Saint Clare very strictly.
The Venerable Lorenza asked the Pope to put the new monastery under the guidance of the Capuchins. The Pope asked them, by holy obedience, to take the spiritual care of the new monastery. This happened in 1538. The Capuchins guided the new monastery to a more faithful living of the Franciscan charisma.
The Monastery of Perugia
The monastery of Perugia was the second community of Capuchin Sisters. Giacoma del Monte, a Lady with a deep prayer life founded it. She was the sister of the Holy Father, Julio III.
She lived as a hermit for about 18 years. Lady Giacoma desired to exchange the temporary things for the eternal ones, and for this reason she wanted to found a monastery in which the rule of Saint Clare could be observed faithfully.
The Pope, Julio III, approved her desire to found a Monastery of Saint Clare. The Bull which approved the new monastery was given to her in the year of 1553. In it was given permission to build the monastery and to bring four professed sisters to instruct the new novices. The Pope put the monastery under the spiritual care of the Capuchins Brothers, with the authority to give the monastery a confessor, a Visitator, and all that was needed for their spiritual growth. They could give some constitutions to govern the community as well. So in this way the new community learned the spirit of the Capuchin Reform.
Poverty, seclusion from the world, to live only for God, and a deep prayer life were part of the reform of the Capuchin Brothers. In their constitutions they required at least two hours of personal meditation for the less fervent. The more fervent brothers prayed constantly.
The monastery of Capuchin Sisters in Perugia was the most fruitful one in Italy. Eight monasteries of Capuchin Sisters took their origin from it. The names of the monasteries were: Santa Praxedes de Milan in 1570, Recanity in 1594, Santa Maria de Orfane in 1617, Santo Sepulcro in 1619, Sesena 1621, Fabriano in 1627, Citta de Castelo in 1643, and Florence in 1627.
The Capuchin reform of brothers grew very fast. They spread the chrism through Europe and other places and brought the rich spirituality of the new reform everywhere.
Many women wanted to live the Franciscan charisma like them. So many new monasteries of Capuchin Poor Clare sisters sprang up everywhere because of the good example of the Capuchin Brothers.
The monastery of Gubbio
The monastery of the Good Jesus, in Gubbio was founded in 1568. Pope Pio V, approved it. They wanted to live under the spiritual direction of the Capuchins, make their Profession in the hands of the Provincial, and dress like them.
They were able to have a confessor from the Capuchin brothers, but could not put their community under the jurisdiction of the Brothers.
The Monastery of Rome
The monastery of Rome was founded on March 7, 1576. It was started according to the model of the community in Naples. Four sisters from Naples were sent to teach the new novices to live as the Capuchin Sisters in Naples. Because of a special decree of the Pope, the sisters were able be under the jurisdiction of the Capuchin Friars.
In most cases the Capuchin Brothers did not have monasteries of Poor Clares or other associations under their spiritual care, which was forbidden by their constitutions. However the sisters asked the Pope and at times were able to have them as confessors, chaplains and Visitators. In this way the sisters were able to live the Capuchin reform and the rule of Saint Clare more faithfully.
Monasteries of Capuchin Sisters in Spain
The first community of Capuchin sisters in Spain was founded in 1587. The Holy Father Sixto V approved it. It was founded in Granada.
Lucia the Ureña was the foundress. She knew that many girls wanted to consecrate themselves in the religious life, but could not fulfill their desires because they did not have the dowry (a lot of money) that was a requirement to enter religious life.
She decided to walk to Rome and ask the Pope permission to open a community of Capuchin Poor Clare sisters. The Pope approved her ideals. They lived the Capuchin way of life: strict poverty, austerity of life, deep life of prayer during the day and the night.
The Monastery of Capuchin Poor Clares in Barcelona
The monastery of Barcelona, Spain was founded in 1599. This monastery is very important. Many new foundations of Capuchin Poor Clare Sisters started because of it in Spain, Mexico and America.
The Venerable Angela Serafina was the foundress of the monastery of Barcelona
She was a poor girl. She wanted to consecrate herself to God in a Religious Order, but the dowry was very high and her family preferred to look for a husband for her. She married, against her will. She suffered patiently in her matrimony because of the bad vices of her husband.
After the death of her husband, she dedicated herself to prayer, penance, and good works of piety. Wholly devoted to God alone she made every effort to become like Christ Crucified through love and genuine deeds of penance.
The Lord bestowed on her many mystical graces. She embraced the Third Order of Saint Francis. The Lord revealed to her that she should ask the Provincial of the Capuchins to give her the habit of the Capuchin Brothers. After many difficulties, the Provincial of the Capuchins decided to consent to her request.
During this time, the fame of her virtue was spread around all of Spain. She was highly esteemed for her virtuous life because God endowed her with many graces.
Among the mystical graces that she received from the Lord were the signs of the Passion of Our Lord. She asked him to take away the visible signs leaving only the pain. The Lord granted her request.
Some girls gathered around her, guided by their desire to serve God. She instructed them in self-denial, and in the life of prayer. The Lord revealed to her in a vision that she would found a monastery of Capuchin sisters in Barcelona. That seemed impossible because she was poor.
The Lord provided the appropriate occasion. She was able to talk to the Queen of Spain, who supported her projects. With the help of the King of Spain, she was able to found a monastery of Capuchin Sisters. They professed the rule of Saint Clare and the constitutions of the first monastery of Capuchin Sisters in Naples.
Many new candidates asked to be admitted to this monastery so it grew rapidly. During the life of Mother Serafina, several foundations took place. With the example of this extraordinary woman, the sisters grew in number and in holiness. Mother Serafina died in 1609.
The first monastery in the Americas was opened in Mexico City in 1665.
The founding sisters came from the monastery of Toledo Spain. From that monastery of Capuchin Poor Clare sisters proceeded many monasteries of Poor Clares in Mexico, and from those monasteries the five monasteries of Capuchin Poor Clares in the United States…